

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Where did the name 'Rip Curl' come from?

A couple of odd figures arguing in a garage...


Two young men, and hardy souls at that, because it is the dead of winter in a cold part of the country, but they are both wearing thongs – good old Aussie flip flops – although one of them has made a concession to the climate by wearing thick football

They call themselves “Sing Ding” and “Claw”, and surrounding them are foam surfboard blanks and tins of nasty chemicals. It is not a safe environment and if tempers flare any more the whole lot might go up in flames.

In The Beginning...

The year: 1969. A man called Armstrong is about to walk on the moon.

(In fact, the day he does so, Bells Beach is ten foot and near perfect. Two Torquay locals, Charlie Bartlett and Brian Singer, surf their brains out before going home to watch the other momentous event on black and white TV.)

In Australia, surfing is at a curious stage of its development. The “short board revolution” of 1967 has created a frenzy of experimentation in surfboard design and surfing technique. 

Brian & Doug: "That's us..."

Started by two surfer mates, Brian “Sing Ding” Singer and Doug “Claw” Warbrick, in a quiet Victorian coastal town in 1969, Rip Curl was originally created as the vehicle for a great lifestyle – Brian and Claw making surfboards to pay for their passion for adventure in the oceans and mountains of the world.

Over the 28 years since it began, Rip Curl has grown to be an international manufacturer of surfboards, wetsuits, surfwear, watches, surf accessories and mountainwear – a source of truly functional products for anybody on The Search for the perfect wave or the perfect powder snow covered terrain.

The Ultimate Surfing Company

Rip Curl: Built for riding and always searching for the ultimate journey...

Company Built for Riding

The Search is the driving force behind our progress and vision. When Crew are chasing uncharted reefs, untracked powder or unridden rails, we want to arm them with the best equipment they’ll need.

What is Rip Curl ?

Rip Curl is a major Australian manufacturer and retailer of surfing sportswear (also known as boardwear.) The company was founded in 1969 by Doug Warbrick and Brian Singer in Torquay, Victoria, Australia and initially produced surfboards. In 1970, they decided to begin production of wetsuits, with emphasis on transforming diving technology into a wetsuit suitable for surfing. Rip Curl has become one of the largest boardwear brands in Australia, Europe and South America and is also active in North America.